Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins [FIRST EDITION PAPERBACK • FIRST PRINTING] 1980 • Bantam
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling [FIRST U.K. PAPERBACK EDITION] 1997 • Bloomsbury • Mint
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley [SECOND EDITION] 1965 • BCE Hardcover • Harper & Row
The Great Big Enormous Turnip by Aleksei Tolstoi w. pictures by Helen Oxenbury [FIRST EDITION] 1968 • Franklin Watts
The Whipping Boy by Sid Fleischman [FIRST EDITION] 1986 • Greenwillow Books
The Hunting of the Snark by Lewis Carroll [ILLUSTRATED COLLECTORS EDITION] U.K. 2010 • Folio Society
The Speech for Special Occasions by Ella A. Knapp & John C. French [1921 HARDCOVER] • The Macmillan Company
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran [U.K. FIRST EDITION] • 29th Printing • 1970 • Heinemann
The Smuggler of King's Cove or the Old Chapel Mystery by Sylvanus Cobb Jr. [FIRST EDITION] 1896 • Henry T. Coates & Co
Earthly Measures: Poems by Edward Hirsch SIGNED! [FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION]
The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl & Quentin Blake [FIRST EDITION THUS] 1995 • Viking U.K.
Rifleman Dodd and The Gun [aka Death to the French] by C.S. Forester [U.S. FIRST EDITION / 1944]
Europe Central by William T. Vollman SIGNED! [TRADE PAPERBACK / 2006]
The Secret World of Alex Mack: Bet You Can't by Diana Gallagher SIGNED! by LARISA OLEYNICK [1995 PAPERBACK]
I Am the Cheese by Robert Cormier [FIRST BOOK CLUB EDITION] 1977 Hardcover • Pantheon Books
Trouble with Lichen by John Wyndham [FIRST EDITION PAPERBACK] 1977
A Rap on Race by James Baldwin & Margaret Mead [1992 PAPERBACK] • Dell
The House on the Strand by Daphne du Maurier [FIRST EDITION • FIRST PRINTING] 1969
Vocational Guidance by Astrology by Charles E. Luntz [REVISED FIRST EDITION] 1962
Wilderness Tips by Margaret Atwood [CA FIRST EDITION / FIRST PRINTING] 1991❧ Mccelland & Stewart
Delta Blues edited by Carolyn Haines SIGNED! x11 [FIRST EDITION / FIRST PRINTING]
Security by Gina Wohlsdorf SIGNED! [FIRST EDITION / FIRST PRINTING] 2016
The Waltz Invention by Vladimir Nabokov [FIRST EDITION / FIRST PRINTING] 1966
Depraved by John Glatt [FIRST PRINTING / 2001]
The Loved One by Evelyn Waugh [FIRST EDITION • FIRST PRINTING] 1948 • Little Brown & Co.
Equus by Peter Shaffer [U.K. FIRST EDITION] 1973 • 3rd Impression • Andre Deutsch
Betrayed by Rita Hayworth by Manuel Puig [FIRST EDITION] 1971 • E.P. Dutton
Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder • Garth Williams [SECOND EDITION HARDCOVER] 1953 • Harper & Bros. • Little House #2
Forest of a Thousand Daemons: A Hunter's Saga by D.O. Fagunwa [U.S. FIRST EDITION] 1983
Daughters of the Law by Sandy Asher [FIRST EDITION • FIRST PRINTING] 1980 • Beaufort Books