The Ideas of the Woman Suffrage Movement 1890-1920 by Aileen S. Kraditor [FIRST PAPERBACK PRINTING] 1971
The Farthest Shore by Ursula K. Le Guin [FIRST EDITION] 1980 • Atheneum • Earthsea #3
What Falls Away: A Memoir by Mia Farrow [FIRST EDITION / FIRST PRINTING]
Nights at the Circus by Angela Carter [U.K. FIRST EDITION / FIRST PRINTING] 1984
Wilderness Tips by Margaret Atwood [U.S. FIRST EDITION • FIRST PRINTING] 1991
Murder in the Dark by Margaret Atwood [U.K. TRADE PAPERBACK] 1994
Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now by Maya Angelou [FIRST EDITION • 2nd PRINTING] 1993
The Robber Bride by Margaret Atwood [U.K. FIRST EDITION / FIRST PRINTING] 1993
Wilderness Tips by Margaret Atwood [CA FIRST EDITION / FIRST PRINTING] 1991❧ Mccelland & Stewart
Cane by Jean Toomer [1969 PAPERBACK] • Harper & Row
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen [1956 PAPERBACK] The Pocket Library
White is For Witching by Helen Oyeyemi [FIRST EDITION / FIRST PRINTING] 2009
The Icarus Girl by Helen Oyeyemi [U.S. FIRST EDITION] 2005
The Testaments by Margaret Atwood [FIRST EDITION • FIRST PRINTING] 2019
Love and its Derangements & Other Poems by Joyce Carol Oates [FIRST PAPERBACK PRINTING] 1974
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert [THE MODERN LIBRARY / 1992]
Up From The Pedestal: Selected Writings in the History of American Feminism edited by Aileen S. Kraditor [TRADE PAPERBACK / 1968]
The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher [FIRST EDITION • FIRST PRINTING] 2016
Gather Together in My Name by Maya Angelou [FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION / 1975]
Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood [U.S. FIRST EDITION • FIRST PRINTING] 1996 • Nan A. Talese
Boy, Snow, Bird by Helen Oyeyemi [TRADE PAPERBACK / 2014]
The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo by Amy Schumer [FIRST PAPERBACK PRINTING]
Cat's Eye by Margaret Atwood SIGNED! [TRUE CANADIAN FIRST EDITION] 1988 / McClelland & Stewart
Shockaholic by Carrie Fisher SIGNED! [FIRST EDITION • FIRST PRINTING] 2011
The Bloody Chamber & Other Stories by Angela Carter [1979 • U.K. FIRST EDITION] • Gollancz
This 'N That by Bette Davis [1988 PAPERBACK]
Orange Is the New Black: My Year in a Woman's Prison by Piper Kerman [FIRST EDITION]
Paradise by Toni Morrison [FIRST EDITION]
I'm Just a Person by Tig Notaro [UNCORRECTED PROOF / PAPERBACK]
Audrey Hepburn: A Celebration by Sheridan Morley [U.K. TRADE PAPERBACK]