The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley [FIRST PAPERBACK PRINTING] 1970

  • $59.00

The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley


Rare first U.S. paperback printing.

Vintage paperback in good readong condition with some irregularities:

A series of corner cropped pages at beginning of book.  Also sticker on underside of cover.

Otherwise, a very solid reading copy of this edition w/ awesome cover. 

Sometimes a writer has to revisit the classics, and here we find that "gonzo journalism"—gutsy first-person accounts wherein the author is part of the story—didn't originate with Hunter S. Thompson or Tom Wolfe.

Aldous Huxley took some mescaline & wrote about it some 10 or 12 years earlier than those others. The book he came up with is part bemused essay & part mystical treatise—"suchness" is everywhere to be found while under the influence. This is a good example of essay writing, journal keeping & the value of controversy—always—in one's work.