Survivor by Tabitha King [FIRST PAPERBACK PRINTING / 1998]
Survivor by Tabitha King
Mass market paperback. Like new.
Kissy Mellors, an extraordinary photographer is at the wheel of her Blazer when a shattering accident sparks a slow-burning, ultimately explosive drama of desire and decision. It is night. She is driving back to her apartment through the campus of a Maine college. A yellow T-bird zooms past her and hits two female pedestrians. One life is ended. One life is suspended in coma. And Kissy's life is changed forever. After the accident, three men enter Kissy's life. One is James Houston, the drunken premed student responsible for the fatal collision. One is Mike Burke, the policeman who arrived at the scene moments later. And one is Junior Clootie, a college hockey star being groomed for the pros, with whom Kissy begins an intensely sexual affair while still shaken by the aftershock of the nightmare experience.