The Bedwetter: Stories of Courage, Redemption & Pee by Sarah Silverman [FIRST PAPERBACK PRINTING]
Are You There Vodka? It's Me Chelsea by Chelsea Handler [TRADE PAPERBACK]
The Mad, the Bad & the Innocent: Tales of a Forensic Psychologist by Barbara R. Kirwin
Any Old Iron by Anthony Burgess [1989 PAPERBACK] • Pocket
The Railway Children by E. Nesbit [U.K. MOVIE TIE-IN PAPERBACK] 1971 • Penguin
Oh What A Paradise It Seems by John Cheever [FIRST PAPERBACK PRINTING] 1983
Man From Mundania by Piers Anthony [FIRST PAPERBACK PRINTING] 1989 • Xanth #12
The Spell Sword by Marion Zimmer Bradley [1974 PAPERBACK] Darkover #11
The Secret of the Indian by Lynne Reid Banks [1990 TRADE PAPERBACK]
The Keepers Price & Other Stories by Marion Zimmer Bradley & Friends [1980 PAPERBACK]
The House Between the Worlds by Marion Zimmer Bradley [1984 PAPERBACK]
The Golden Swan by Nancy Springer [FIRST EDITION / 1983]
Four From the Witch World by Andre Norton [FIRST PAPERBACK PRINTING / 1991]
In Search of Deep Throat by Leonard Garment [TRADE PAPERBACK / 2000]
The Bloody Sun by Marion Zimmer Bradley [1985 PAPERBACK]
Every Breath You Take by Ann Rule [FIRST PAPERBACK PRINTING / 2001]
Lady Oracle by Margaret Atwood [1987 PAPERBACK]
The Ebony Tower by John Fowles [1975 PAPERBACK]
The By-Pass Control by Mickey Spillane [1967 PAPERBACK]
Wyatt Earp: A Novel By Dan Gordon [MOVIE TIE-IN PAPERBACK] 1994
The Thief Who Couldn't Sleep by Lawrence Block [1984 PAPERBACK] Jove
Firefox by Craig Thomas [1982 PAPERBACK] Movie Tie-in Cover
Dick Tracy by Max Allan Collins [1990 MOVIE TIE IN PAPERBACK]
Man From Atlantis by Richard Woodley [1977 PAPERBACK]
Hard Times by Charles Dickens [1961 PAPERBACK]
The Battle for the Castle by Elizabeth Winthrop [FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION] 1994
Sounder by William H. Armstrong [MOVIE TIE-IN PAPERBACK] 1972 • Scholastic
Bitter Blood: A True Story of Southern Family Pride, Madness and Multiple Murder by Jerry Bledsoe [1989 PAPERBACK]
True Crime by Andrew Klavan [FIRST PAPERBACK PRINTING] 1997